

  1. Players must be 18 years or older for the entirety of the event in order to play.
  2. All players, even those attending for the first time as a trial, must complete a Waiver & Medical Information Form. We do it to ensure our safety team is kept aware of all medical issues including allergies to food or medicine. This is an absolute requirement to play, and while we do not wish to turn anyone away, you will not be allowed to participate in our game without completing these forms.
  3. Tempest Grove: Underworld LARP has a strict no alcohol or drug policy during combat events. If you are found with either you will be asked to leave. If you are prescribed marijuana for medical purposes, please disclose it to a member of staff, such as a shaper, the owner, and/or a member of the medical team. That information will only be shared internally amongst staff members so they are aware. Any disclosure to other players is up to you. To prevent accidental exposure to others, we ask that any use be done off-site.
  4. Tempest Grove: Underworld LARP will not lead stories involving themes of rape nor do we condone such RPing (Role Playing) or actions. Also, see below for the “Opt Out” rule.
  5. “HOLD” means stop, do not move, and better yet, take a knee and wait for “GAME ON”. This may be for a simple scene description or for medical/safety reasons. Do not yell “HOLD” for someone else unless they are unable to. Game will resume when the person who called “HOLD” states “GAME ON”.
  6. The other call that halts game is “MEDIC”. This is to be used when there is an injury on the field that requires the attention of one of our medical marshalls. This call is only to be made in the event of a real-life injury. Any IG calls for a healer can use any other call but “MEDIC” is reserved for actual injuries only to prevent confusion at a critical moment.
  7. Any fire, be it fire pit, barbecue, or what have you must have a designated fire watcher at all times. They can participate in roleplay but are designated as out of combat. If you need to step away from a fire for any length of time, snuff it out or grab a shaper and ask them to watch it. Please do not have any open flames such as candles “indoors”, (such as tents or any other structure that could be flammable).
  8. Fire pits and cooking area of the camp are a special “No Combat” IG zone. Players that are tending/watching a fire or cooking when combat breaks out have the option of joining the combat immediately or waiting until it is over. Players may not retreat to these areas and then pop in and out in order to avoid being struck in combat.
  9. Check your weapons regularly for flaws or damage. A marshall or shapers can also inspect your weapon at any time if they think it might be damaged or otherwise unsafe.
  10. No overhand swings. Please avoid striking the head, neck, groin, and hands (Packet-delivered attacks striking these areas do in fact count, but we would ask that you do not aim for them). Strikes to these areas, and in the case of women, chest (despite it being a valid strike location), do happen accidentally. Please do not make such strikes a habit as it will not make you any friends. Please contact a Marshal regarding any person who is habitually striking these areas.
  11. The Tempest Grove: Underworld LARP site is in a wooded area with many hazards of trees, brush, rocks, and uneven ground. Please take note of your surroundings and be cautious. If you come across a major danger, please take note of its location and report it to ownership. If the owner is not on-site, report it to a shaper who will forward the information and/or find a way to resolve it.
  12. Mental health and safety are always more important than you staying in-game. You may opt-out of any mod or situation which you may find triggering or uncomfortable OOG (out of game). To do so, state “opt-out”, go OOG, and physically leave the area where the mod is occurring. Following this, you must immediately report to Plot camp. When the mod has ended, the plot team will work with you to decide a fair and logical outcome for the situation. You will not be punished for leaving the situation, however, the outcome must make sense. The “opt-out” call is meant to avoid the roleplay of the triggering situation and can not be utilized to avoid consequences.